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Dawn Gillman

Dawn Gillman was first elected as our state representative in 2022. She previously served as a Dassel city council member and was well known as the founder of “Let Them Play Minnesota.” Her organization demanded Governor Walz reopen schools and athletic programs in the fall of 2022 – and succeeded!


As a business owner, Dawn learned to network and communicate to reach a shared goal. While other businesses are struggling to keep and retain employees, the Gillman’s created an environment where people are valued.


As a community volunteer with the Women’s Auxiliary, Dawn served alongside her husband, who was a volunteer firefighter for 25 years. Understanding the importance of community involvement and working together has helped Dawn become a successful lawmaker in the Minnesota House.


She and her husband Brian and I have been married for 27 years.  They have five children and understand how decisions made today will affect generations to come. 



Here are Dawn's top priorities:


TAX RELIEF: Let Minnesotans keep more of what they earn as prices are skyrocketing across the board. This includes ending the unfair tax on senior citizens’ Social Security income.


ELECTION INTEGRITY: Minnesotans need to have confidence in the integrity of our elections. That means cracking down on voter fraud, passing Voter ID, and getting rid of vouching. Let’s create a system where it’s easy to vote, but difficult to cheat.


GUN RIGHTS: The continued assault on your gun freedoms by extreme Democrats in the legislature MUST END. Protect the Second Amendment — always. No exceptions.


PRO-LIFE: Last session, radical Democrats approved allowing abortions at any point during a pregnancy – including at the moment of birth! Just think of what they’ll do if they remain in charge of the Minnesota House next year! I will always vote to protect life at all stages, from the unborn to the elderly.


KEEP CRIMINALS BEHIND BARS: Time and again, we watch as criminals are allowed back on Minnesota’s streets, only to harm more victims and their families. Let’s stop going soft on our state’s most violent criminals, and let’s prioritize the law enforcement officials who risk their lives to keep our communities safe!


paid for by the Dawn Gillman campaign fund
PO Box 218 Dassel, MN 55325

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